(Surplus People old homepage and arkiv 2003-2011)

May 2011
Review from:
SURPLUS PEOPLE/SORK – SPLIT (LP by Surplus Recordings)
Surplus People is a Swedish and Finnish trio and the members are Petra Kiiskinen who plays old organs, Helena Engaras on bass and Magdalena Agren who sings, screams and creates sounds by megaphone, trumpet and trombone. The trio has played many concerts if funny clothes, I guess the concerts will be a nice mixture of fun, chaos, theatre and good music. The split-part of this album seems like a mix between Arbeid Adelt, De Kift, Siouxsie and the Banshees and The Doors. I love this eighties music, with distorted organ sounds, simple melodies, brass-compositions and bossanova drum patterns.
SORK is more or less a follow-up of Surplus People, after Pontus Torstensson joined the band. The style of the band is based in post-punk traditions and the band does it in a nice way. The bass is pulsing and the drums steams like a rolling train. The voice of Magdalena and her interactions on the synthesizer, stylophone and trombone take care of the experimental part of the music. (JKH)
17/1 2011
Now you can buy Surplus People and SORK split-LP in Sweden at:
Bengans, Stigbergstorget 1, Göteborg
PetSounds, Skånegatan 53, Stockholm
You can also order the LP at hello@surplusrecordings.se

12/12 2010
Surplus People are still alive!
A splitt LP 12″ Surplus People and Sork will be released 8th of January 2011.

Release party in Gothenburg with Sork and a lot of bands who play Surplus People songs.

and Bo Anders Persson (Träs Gräs och Stenar)
see you!
22/7-08 Koloni/Ladyfest,
at Aktör, Gothenburg
26/7-08 Utmarksmusiken
Surplus People are at the moment working on some recordings, but we have decided to do one show this summer. And that will of course be on Bo Anders Perssons festival in the deep forest in Värmland.
This is the most fantastic and nices festival ever!

5/11 Debaser, Stockholm
8/11 Spasibar, Oslo
10/11 ”Join our club” at Henriksberg, Gothenburg

15/9-07 6 pm. At kulturföreningen Bellas vernissage,
Andra Långgatan 49, Gothenburg.
Also playing is Hanna Chawki from Surreal Lovers.
Art made by Veronika Lostjärna, Jessica Berntsson,
Tomas Modig, Marie Wefring and Max Erlandson.
And by the way. Surplus People just made our 70th gig on Götaplatsen.
some picture from Surplus Café at berg 211,
You will also find our special recipe for our tasty surplus cake under SUR +
And to all people that didn´tgo to the Utmarksmusiken we are sorry to say YOU missed the BEST festival this summer!
Thank you BoAnders with crew for bringing us to this fantastic place. Look at the pictures below and our wonderful audience in our family album under Photo

This summer/autumn we are working on a new record that takes most of our time. But we still have some gigs coming up.
28/7 Utmarksmusiken
16/8 Warm up!
The first one is in the deep deep forest in Värmland. Probably one of Swedens most exotic and genuin festival. Intresting mix of old folkmusic and experimental artmusic and of course Surplus People.
The second is in the very center of the city Gothenburg.
Konst hallen is having a warm up when it´s kultur kalaset. (the big so kalled cultur party of Gothenburg.)
Also happening is soundart by Lina Selander, reading by Karl Larsson, akt by Maria Karlsson and dj is Andreas Tilliander and of course, the man of all men, the beautiful Poseidon!
3.00-6.30 pm, free entrace. Welcome!
Hitchhike with the surplus car!
6/6 -07 Stockholm – Linköping
7/6-07 Linköping – Gothenburg
10/6-07 Gothenburg – Stockholm
Write to contact@surpluspeople.se and we will contact you!
We are back from our mini tour to Vienna and of course we would like to thank all people that where involved and made this possible one extra time!
And as usual we have kept our lovely Audience in our family album under Photos.
Here comes a picture of Nazi. The cool, huge, but greedy rabbit from Vienna.


Join the surplus car from Stockholm-Gothenburg, 14/5!
You can have a nice time in our lovely car with our lovely organist and our lovely instruments. Just send a message at contact@surpluspeople.se. and We will contact you.
Its a stupid thing thing to drive alone!
Surplus People next consert will be at:
16/5 at Teater Terrier
Norra Vallgatan28, Malmö
17/5 at Bang Bang club
Neue Promenade 10. 10178 Berlin-Mitte, Berlin
19/5 Ladyfest in Vienna
Now you can find a new rewiew and interwiu with us in the magasin Faktum. If you live in Gothenburg, Go and by it from the nearest homeless people thats selling it!
If you don`t live in Gothenburg you can read it HERE!

Here is also some nice photos of us taken by Conny Fornbäck (from the consert in Allhuset last week)

Car going from Stockholm to Gothenburg 7/3 at 17.00 !
It´s a stupid thing to drive alone in a car so from now on we will announce here under NEWS, when we are travelling with our car.
If you have an intrest of going the same direction and support the enviroment and Surplus People. Please send an e-mail to: contact@surpluspeople.se with your phonenumber and we would
call you up and hopefully have a nice journey together.
Tell all your friends and people you meet about this!
Thank You!

Surplus People are back in Sweden again!
We would like to thank all nice people we have met during our trip in Poland and Lithuania, with a big hug!
Some of you can be found in our special family photo album under PHOTOS
Special thanks for:
-Swedish showcase Claes that has booked this tour for us.
-Marek in Pierkary Sl. who brought our lost megaphone.
– Philip in Katowice for the best service and Tomeck for the nightmare sightseing!
-Zakopane for nice rehersal place.
-Christian Pallin for helping us finding a gig in Poznan.
-Konrad and Zpik for bringing us to Poznan in the last minute, with your warm hospitality.
-Alytus devoted Audiens that walked a long way in -20 degrees just to watch us.
-Satta Bar people. For the cosy and creative place and your fight against the police and angry neighbours.
-Simas for bringing us to Lituania and the professional guiding through Vilnius.
-Rambye people for your guiding in Lithuanian alcohol and early time escort.
– And last but not least we would like to raise HELLA (our fantastic Soundenginer) up to heaven. She is just the best and the coolest!!!!!
This is Great! Last minute booking after last minute cancelling. We will come to Poznan anyway.
19/2 at Café Miesna.
16/2-07 Scron, Piekary Slaskie, Poland
17/2-07 Cogitatur, Katowice, Poland
18/2-07 Armstrong, Zakopane
19/2-07 Café Miesna
22/2-07 Zoo, Alytus, Lithuania
23/2-07 Satta bar, Vilnius, Lithuania
24/2-07 Rambye, Palanga, Lithuania
8/3-07 Göteborgs konstmuseum, Sweden
9/3-07 Kulturfeministfestival, Allhuset, Stockholm, Sweden
18-20/5-07, Ladyfest, Vienna, Austria
28/7-07 Utmarksmusiken, NordVärmländska skogen, Sweden
and if you want to read a nice swedish review about us you will find it here. Musik enligt Jerry.

Next gig will be 5/12 at Kelly´s in Gothenburg!

What can we say ? We are not surprised.. but thank you Peter for sending us this usefull information.
and lots of love to the loveboat people. puss puss! You are in our Family photoalbum and will always be rememberd..

Loveboat is coming closer…
more info about the place here!
Ladyfest and Bräkne-Hoby!
Kisses for you!!!!!!

Surplus People will play 12/8 at LADYFEST in Berlin!
but first…
Thank you Kroksjö festival!
It was even better than on the pictures. Totally idyllic and cosy, even if some people had to sleep with the rooster. . Hope you find your run away turtle soon!
and Thank you ”Love is a burning thing” and club Bravehat for a nice evening at Landet! Come and play in Gothenburg soon!.
And finally thank you Mjällbo and Storsjöyran for a great festival!
Some small changes of dates have been made in our summer consert list. So check it out one more time if you are interessted. We will also come to Stockholm for a Gig at club Bravehat , at Landet 28/7
Finally we will get to meet the great band LOVE is a Burning thing, (that we have been talking to at myspace.) They will play the same evening!!!!!!
So put on your Bravehat and go to Landet if you are in the capital of Sweden at the time. Thats all we can say!
15th of June. Oslo consert is finally defenite booked!
the Fantastic Ovaryaktion girls has finally made it possible for Surplus People to come back to Norway and play at Paragrafen.
We are also really looking forward to play the17 th of June.
When”Vänder sig om” and Koloni.is having a BIG PARTY at Underjorden.
It´will happen a lot of interesting things that evening.
For example performance, readings, movies and Djs.
Also playing is Jens Lekman together with Joel Gibb (from Hidden Cameras).
It will be an outstanding evening. so if you want to be sure to get in….
Buy your ticket already now at the bookshop Vänder sig omPrice:100 kr.
7/7 Make a political statment!
Come to Visby and PUSH UP!
It´s almost about a surplus tradition by now. But we just can´t miss this fantastic festival with it´s really nice people that are working to make the world a little better.
22th of July there is a super cosy litle festival called
Kroksjö festivalen
It is based in the contry side close to Emmaboda. We have been invited to play there and of course we want to come.
Just look at the photos at their home page!
There will go busses from both Stockholm and Gothenburg if you want to join us.
After that…
Surplus People will go north and play in Östersund at
STORSJÖYRAN 27th of July.
28/7 We are playing in Stockholm at club Bravehat. It will happen at Landet, Telefonplan
29th of July there will be another small an cosy festival outside Borås.
13th of August
Small festival rules this summer!

No No No Surplus People are still alive!
The world have not solve the surplus problem yet…so therefore we will keep on, bringing some more surplus music to you.
Two more gigs is so far booked. and more are coming up.
Stay tune and check out under GIGS.
We are also on my space http://www.myspace.com/surpluspeople
If you want to read an article and a nice review about us can do that under ABOUT
See you later!
Surplus People are back in Sweden again after our Baltic Sea tour.
It has included jacuzzi and champagne, a polis raid and skinheads fighting’s, textile industrie and grandmothers, naughty dogs and cold feet, old men and screaming girls, winter bathing and car troubles and lots of more…
But best of all…
We have met many nice and fantastic people on our way.
Some of you can be seen in Surplus People’s
Family Photo album.
Thanks for all and hope we’ll meet soon again!
Hello friends!
Surplus People are getting prepered to jump on the boat to Estonia Latvia, and Finland.
We are happy to announce two more gigs in Finland that wasn´t there before!
There have also been some changes in the tour dates in Estland. Here is the tour so far.
6/4 DEPO, Riga, Latvia
7/4 Plektrum-festival, Von Krahl, Tallin, Estonia
8/4 Rockiklubbi Valga, Estonia
10/4 Tampere, Vastavirta-klubi together with Avarus and Kemialliset Ystävät
13/4 Helsinki, Venue: Kevätjuhla, Place: Kumpulan kylätila, Intiankatu 31
Very much welcome!
New song ”Killing Spiders” to download under music!!!!!
The rest of our new cd you can order.
Just send a mail to contact@surpluspeople.se

Now you can buy your tickets to Balticum!
These tree gigs are so far booked.
6/4 Depo, Riga
7/4 Rockiklubbi, Valga
8/4 Von Krahl, Tallin
Still some mixing left, but soon you will be able to listen to our new recordings.
Next gig will be in 2 mars in Gothenburg at club Niceattac. We are also planning a tour in Balticum and Finland in April. More info will come.
At the moment Surplus People are working with recording new songs in the studio.
but you can read some articles about us here, if you know Swedish of course!
9/12 in Eskilstuna at club Adrenalin
Also performing is ”La Fromage” + Dj Sanna
Bar, food and dancefloor. From 9 pm-2 am.
Come before 10 and the entrance will be 30 kr. After 10, you pay 50 kr
the Place is: Fisk & Fest, Gredbyvägen 18………..
Now you can read ”Babes in boyland intervju with Surplus People Here
It´s about time that we´ll come to northern Sweden.
2/12 Surplus People will play in Umeå at
”club Moonshake”
Also performing: Ninja Massacre and Molloy
Place:Lilla Teatern
after that Uppsala is the place.
3/12 at club Press Play kl. 18-23
Musik, elektronik och kaka.
Other bands that will play is Discolor
Dj Michael (daddy jazz), Dj Ingmarie, Dj Anaya & Gavana (svaj/sister sthlm), Dj P-low (sister sthlm)
Place: Hugos Kaffe, Svartbäcksgatan 21